
by Gabe Berman – the author of Live Like a Fruit Fly

Archive for the category “beauty”

And The Killer Is…

Dhani Harrison said his father, George, rarely gave him advice.

“The only two things he felt I had to do in my life were be happy and meditate,” he once told Rolling Stone.

I quoted this to a friend of mine the other day because she was feeling uninspired and directionless.

I then said, “You’re healthy, your family is healthy, you have have money in the bank, why don’t you just allow yourself to sit there in Starbucks and chill.”

She knew this. Of course she knew this.

But she got caught up in comparison. She felt discouraged with just “being” while watching all of the busy people “doing”. They were rushing around, coming and going, typing with intention on their laptops, and seemingly, living lives with some sort of purpose.

And I’m sure she looked through Facebook with all of those pictures of perfect, happy people with their perfect, healthy meals and thought, “Jesus man! What the hell am I doing with myself?”

It’s not her fault to feel this way. And it’s not yours if you feel this way as well.

I know I sure do at times.

Our society is built on comparison. It fuels the machine. 

But comparison, when you’re trying to live a gentle, spiritual life, is the killer.

Do you hear that?

Comparison is the killer.

And what are we really comparing ourselves too? Usually, mere illusions.

A few weeks ago, I typed to an old friend on Facebook, “I’m so happy that you and your wife look so happy. And your kids are so cute. Good for you man, you deserve it.”

A few hours later he responded with, “Thanks so much. But do you really think we’re going to post pictures of us fighting?”

It’s all an illusion. Just a very convincing illusion.

If you must compare yourself to others, skip over the rats in the race. Look for the people who are simply sitting there. Sitting there with a slight smile and breathing just to breathe.

There’s a good chance these people aren’t always happy, because, as you know – life sometimes has a sick sense of humor. But they’ve obviously learned to enjoy the times when there’s nothing better to do than just enjoy the time.

The clock continues to click regardless.

In Live Like a Fruit Fly, Gabe Berman shares his recipe for living a more joyful, worthwhile, and abundant life in every way. A witty, entertaining, and insightful read.” — Deepak Chopra, Author, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success


Today Is My Anniversary

I started writing Live Like A Fruit Fly on the ninth of February a few years back.

I called my friend Rob, who ended up making a few appearances in the book, and said, “Hey man. I know it’s your birthday, so, happy birthday. But you need to do me a favor. I’m starting to write a book today. A book that can change the world. If I’m not done in a year from today, I need you to come over and blow my head off with a shotgun.”

Gruesome, I know. But without hardcore incentive, I’d procrastinate my life away.

I wrote for a few days and then put it aside for a few weeks. I wrote for a few weeks and then put it aside for a few months.

Sometimes it flowed with ease. Other times it was like forcing water from a stone.

Finally, I typed, “The End.”

With my masterpiece manifested, I looked to the lower righthand corner of my computer screen to see the date. Without planning, it was a year later, the ninth of February.

Live Like A Fruit Fly hasn’t changed the world.


But I’m grateful to say that it is changing lives – one by one.

For example, I became close friends with a fan of my book and I introduced her to a close friend of mine from back home. They’re now living together and she took him today for a full day at the spa.

Why today?

Because it’s Rob. And today is his birthday.

“In Live Like a Fruit Fly, Gabe Berman shares his recipe for living a more joyful, worthwhile, and abundant life in every way. A witty, entertaining, and insightful read.” —Deepak Chopra, Author, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success


Life Continues In Different Forms

I’m sitting on a bench in front of my parent’s house.

Leaves have fallen to the lawn. It’s getting colder. Darker.

When my dad was sick, we’d sit out here together. Me on this bench, him in his wheelchair.

And now here I sit.


Looking at the flowers he planted long ago.

My new book – Where Is God When Our Loved Ones Get Sick? – available here:


The Old Man And The Aide

I saw an old man with his aide in front of a beauty supply store.

She intended to open the door for him but he said, “I can get it.”

He was a gentleman in his blue jeans, plaid shirt, Members Only-ish jacket and pair of Hush Puppies.

The heavy door resisted his initial pull, but in the end, it was no match for his determination and it relented.

His aide smiled graciously and he followed her into the store.

With ease, I opened the door to the adjacent Starbucks.

But that old man is me. He is you. If we’re fortunate enough to avoid the slings and arrows of life, he’s our fate.

You’d think we’d be kinder to others now. You’d think we’d be kinder to ourselves.

But greed breeds fear and spreads the gospel of not-enoughness. It seems we have no choice but to run rampant like rats in an unwinable rat-race and squander our youthfulness in pursuit of the illusion of future security.

But we do have a choice. We can choose to choose kindness. We can choose to choose to be grateful for the little things. Because trust me, they turn out to be the only things that matter.

The future is now. It shapes itself through you.

With love and thanks,
gabe – the question that haunts us and the answer that helps us heal


Riders On The Storm

Ray Manzarek, the keyboardist from The Doors and coolest cat in the universe, died today of bile duct cancer. He was seventy-four.

Are you fucking kidding me man?

I’m sick of this already. Cancer is getting to be like the goddamn common cold.

But you know we can beat it, right?

If this great country of ours, with all of its wealth and ingenuity, decided to eradicate cancer, we would. It’s that simple.

In 1903, we were the first to fly. And just sixty-six years later, we landed on the moon.

How? We promised ourselves as a nation we would.

We are the lizard kings and if we want, we can do anything.

We just have to want it bad enough. We have to turn all attention to it. Even if it isn’t entirely profitable. But obviously, as of now, it isn’t a priority.

Hopefully our priorities will change soon.

Change before it’s too late.


A Letter To Phillip Phillips

I’m sorry I’ve only recently realized this, but “Home” is one of the sweetest, sunniest, most perfect tunes I’ve ever heard.

What caused the delay in my discovery? C’mon man, you’re from Idol. And, well, you know…

Anyway…I listen to this song over and over again while I drive back and forth from Starbucks. Because it’s rock music, and because of the way my head is screwed on, I always assumed you were singing to a specific girl.

But tonight as I was in the car, my soul perked its ears up and it heard something completely different.

Maybe you’re not singing to a girl. Maybe it’s not even you singing in the song. Maybe, just maybe, it’s someone singing to you. Who? You know who.


Listen to your lyrics:

Hold on, to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave (wave) is stringing us along
Just know you’re not alone
Cause I’m gonna make this place your home

Settle down, it’ll all be clear
Don’t pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found

Just know you’re not alone
Cause I’m gonna make this place your home

Even if I’m wrong about this on the surface, I’m right.

Thank you for reminding us that we’re not alone,

My new book is out: The Complete Bullshit-Free and Totally Tested Writing Guide: How To Make Publishers, Agents, Editors & Readers Fall In Love With Your Work


color of your dreams

Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream,
It is not dying, it is not dying

Lay down all thought, surrender to the void,
Is it shining? Is it shining?

That you may see the meaning of within
It is being, it is being

Love is all and love is everyone
Is it knowing? Is it knowing?

That ignorance and hate may mourn the dead
It is believing, it is believing

But listen to the colour of your dreams
Is it not living, is it not living

Or play the game “Existence” to the end
Of the beginning, of the beginning

Tomorrow Never Knows
— The Beatles —

“In Live Like a Fruit Fly, Gabe Berman shares his recipe for living a more joyful,worthwhile, and abundant life in every way. A witty, entertaining, and insightful read.” ~Deepak Chopra

Click here now—>;;;;;;;;Amazon or B&N to order Live Like A Fruit Fly – The Secret You Already Know


A Letter To Me

—-Are angels real?

—-Yes. 100%.

—-Either my friend Sheri is an angel or she has one whispering in her ear
when she writes The Other Side Of Ugly. Probably both.

—-Here’s a beautiful email she sent me yesterday:

When I was walking today, it was really foggy out, and it felt so mystical, so Avalonish. I saw these 2 kids, maybe 15-16 years old. Holding hands, laughing, the girl playishly punching her guy in the arm. Both waiting to cross the street. I was caught up in their youthfulness.

I remembered my first kiss, how afraid I was. I remembered going roller skating every Friday with the boy I liked and the “slow” skate where we could hold hands and show off our relationship.

So as I watched these kids run across the street my mind was flooded with these beautiful memories of just being young, no responsibilities beyond helping take care of my brother and sister.

I thought for the very first time in my life, I want to be that age again. I want to feel that innocent beautiful trusting love. I want to be with someone who likes to play. I want a boyfriend/husband who likes to brag that I’m his girl. I want to feel excited when I’m with my girlfriends to share the awesomeness of my guy. I want each kiss to always feel like magic…and so my story was born.

By watching two young teenagers experiencing something that one day they will wish they had again…


A Letter To Almost Famous

No other movie comes close to capturing it like you do and I’m grateful.

What’s “it”?

It, is music.

It, is love.

It, is the love of music.

It, is that sometimes hazy, sometimes clear memory of the first soulful experience with each.

“I have to go home”

“You are home.”

The words she knows the tune she hums,


“In Live Like a Fruit Fly, Gabe Berman shares his recipe for living a more joyful,worthwhile, and abundant life in every way. A witty, entertaining, and insightful read.” ~Deepak Chopra

Click here now—>;;;;;;;;Amazon or B&N to order Live Like A Fruit Fly – The Secret You Already Know

A Letter To You

(This is the newest chapter of The Fruit Fly Strikes Back – The sequel to my book Live Like A Fruit Fly)


It’s Just Us – chapter 50

I love old memories.

They’re like dust covered treasure maps hidden in the dark attic of your mind. Seemingly gone forever until a mysterious wind blows and instantly uncovers those lost moments in full technicolor.

I love how old memories simultaneously feel like five lifetimes ago and five minutes ago.

My ears burn from the cold wind but I’m smiling. Peripherally, I realize my dad isn’t holding on to the seat any longer. I’m riding a bike by myself for the first time. Freedom. I hear him laughing and clapping in the distance.

And poof, just like that, I turned forty.

But no rants of disbelief this year. No full-court press against gray hairs.

Just you and I sharing this moment together. And soon this moment, like all moments, will

recrystallize into a memory and settle under the dust and darkness.

Before it does though, I want to let you know how grateful I am that you’re here with me.

Live like a fruit fly.

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