
by Gabe Berman – the author of Live Like a Fruit Fly

Archive for the month “June, 2019”

Does Anyone Care?

Fishing for fun is terrorism.    

It’s not the same as detonating a suicide vest in the middle of Tel Aviv, but it isn’t too far away either.

People can roll their eyes at this all goddamn day long but there’s no denying that a disregard for the suffering of anyone or anything that isn’t you is terrorism. 

A difference of a degree of course, but where do we draw the line? Just turn on the news and see how we treat each other. With a little self reflection, it’s an undeniable slippery slope for sure.

This comes up today because there’s a fishing camp for kids at the lake I walk around in the morning. Everyone seems happy and the adult supervision is on point but what is this teaching the future adults of the world? That it’s okay to hurt animals for pleasure. That it’s okay to add suffering to the world. That it’s okay to treat others in a way they wouldn’t want to be treated. 

Hence, turn on the news and see the state of the world.

Twenty points for a big fish? Ten for a turtle? Really? Listen up people, the whole world isn’t your fucking video game.




Or we’ll find our way onto the extinction list. 

 If you liked this post, please pass it on. If it bothered you, good. Do something about it. Please.


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Why I’m Here

I didn’t become an artist to become successful.

I became an artist to add beauty to the world.

– gb

Love Looks Like This

You Smell Like A Monkey And You Look Like One Too

Yesterday was trump’s birthday and it was also my dad’s.

Two people who are/were complete opposites.

And one continues to live on in a reign of greedy terror and one dies so tortuously.

This universe would be a comedy it wasn’t so tragic.

Regardless, I will forever be grateful for innocence, art and kindness.

– gb

They Hurt A Dog?

This is Stuart.    

We just met at Starbucks and, obviously, we’re friends now.

I told his dad, whose name is Deepak, that I love the way his dog’s ear stands up like that.

He said Stuart is a rescue and he was abused. One ear sustained hearing loss so the other is always raised to compensate.

I said, “That’s so awful. I can’t believe anyone would do that.”

He quickly replied, “I can believe it. Easily. People abuse people. Why not this?”

Deepak and I took an unplanned breath together and then we continued to talk. About dogs, guns, abortion and the bewildering hypocrisy of right wing Christianity.

And now that I’m here, talking to you, all I can say is thank god for people like Deepak.

Because the human consciousness, until it evolves to kindness, until it evolves to selflessness, and until it evolves to unconditional love, is a filthy disease.


And with that, thank god for you too.

– gb

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