
by Gabe Berman – the author of Live Like a Fruit Fly

Archive for the category “mlm”

You’re Awesome (no really, you are)

My friend’s wife texted me this afternoon about a dream she had about me.

We were swimming together, and then she woke up.

Why is my friend’s wife dreaming about me?

That’s the first question you ask?

Is it that unbelievable?

How come you never bothered to ask why more of my friend’s wives aren’t dreaming about me?

Anyway, as I was saying, my friend’s wife texted me this afternoon about a dream she had about me (she obviously needs to be medicated, severely, or a priest must be brought in for an exorcism).

Using every last bit of willpower I had stored up in my bone marrow to resist making sexual innuendos, I asked her about how’s she been.

She answered, and I quote, “I’m amazing! Everything is great here.”

We volleyed a few more messages back and forth and then, like a pissed off bull in Pamplona, it rammed me right in the solar plexus.

I’ve never, ever, been able to say things are amazing for me.

I mean, I can surely type those words, and I guess I could push those words passed my lips, but it would be a lie.

Cosmically, I know, down to the depths of my DNA, that everything is unfolding exactly as it must.

But if I allow myself, just for a moment, to be a normal, disconnected guy, sitting here in Starbucks as I type this to you, I’d have to admit that I’d like to feel what amazing feels like for a change.

Of course I’m so grateful for the micro and the macro, the alpha and the omega, and the yin and the yang, but amazing?

It doesn’t take a genius or guru to know that amazing is lightyears better than not amazing.

So, what can I do about this?

Well, what does amazing entail?

According to the dictionary, the definition of amazing is: causing great surprise or wonder.

I call bullshit.

We all know when my friend’s wife said, “Amazing!” she sure as hell didn’t mean: causing great surprise (unless she was talking about finding me in her dreams – but then again, the word she probably would have used is “gross”).

She obviously meant amazing, as in awesome.

The question now becomes: is it possible to pull myself off of the bull’s horns, seal the wounds, and then set a course for amazing?


In one move.

All I must do is redefine amazing.

I’m redefining it to mean: awesome and/or the potential for awesomeness.

Do I have the potential for awesomeness?

My God yes.

As do you.

I promise you, you do.

How can you check for yourself?

There’s a very simple test: put your hand over your heart. If you can feel something beating, you’ve got the potential.

From now on, instead of my standard okay when someone asks me how I’m doing, I’m going to say amazing.

Because I’m alive and full of divine potential.

And so are you.

Welcome to the world of the infallible, self-fulfilling prophecy.

“In Live Like a Fruit Fly, Gabe Berman shares his recipe for living a more joyful, worthwhile, and abundant life in every way. A witty, entertaining, and insightful read
.” — Deepak Chopra, Author, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success


The Buddha Begged For…

The Buddha, and his disciples, begged for food.

Old men with old robes on their backs, shuffled into town with their wooden bowls and begged for food to keep starvation at bay.

Why did these spiritual masters need to do this?

The answer can be found in an ancient zen poem, “Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.”

Nirvana is nourishment for the soul, not for the stomach.

My books have helped many people, and I am so grateful to be a part of that.

But as of today, the ratio of books being sold to food on my table is not in proper balance.

In addition, the mere act of writing of my book Where Is God When Our Loved Ones Get Sick?, has brought me even closer to being completely “awake” after twenty-five years of searching and striving.

But I’ll still need to chop wood and carry water. And I prefer not to end up as a destitute, old man.

I promised my soul that I will never ever go back to the soulless prison of the corporate world, so I recently asked the universe to show me another way. Within due time, a completely unexpected path was revealed through a string of “coincidences”.

I followed my gut, set off on this new path and it’s already working out.


Maybe it will work for you as well. Take a look here.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost


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