
by Gabe Berman – the author of Live Like a Fruit Fly

Archive for the category “Trump”

61 Million Benedict Arnolds

Shit. Piss. Fuck. Cunt. Motherfucker. Cocksucker. Tits.

This is George Carlin’s list of Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television and it, of course, popped into my head as soon as I saw the following headline on a few days ago:
Words Banned At CDC Were Also Banned At Other HHS Agencies.

Here’s how the article starts: Multiple agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have reportedly been told by the Trump administration that they cannot use certain phrases in official documents.

Officials from two HHS agencies, who asked that their names and agencies remain anonymous, told The Washington Post that they had been given a list of “forbidden” words similar to the one given to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

A second HHS agency was told not to use the phrases “entitlement,” “diversity” and “vulnerable,” in documents. It was also told to use “ObamaCare” as opposed to the “Affordable Care Act” and to refer to “marketplaces,” where people purchase health insurance, as “exchanges.”

The Post’s new report builds on its Friday report that the CDC had been told it could no longer use the phrases “evidence-based” and “science-based” in documents being prepared for the 2019 budget.

The list of “forbidden” words and phrases given to policy analysts at the CDC also included “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender” and “fetus.”

Listen up everyone, there’s a coup d’etat happening right here. At home. In the U.S.

Appointing of unqualified judges. The discrediting of the media. Colluding with foreign powers. Obstructing justice. Threatening the arrest of political opponents. Making it harder for people to vote. Blatant misrepresentation of facts. The banning of words. Gaslighting. Etcetera, to almost infinity.

Gil Scott-Heron said the revolution will nor be televised, but the takeover certainly was. And regardless of the abominations we saw on the campaign trail, over 61 million people still opted for it

1984 is simmering in 2017. Right out in the open.

Millions have died to protect our nation, successfully, but will we survive this attack from within?

In my book, Live Like A Fruit Fly (jesus man, this blog post is started to sound kind of official), I said:

I’ll share a little secret with you that may help you sleep better tonight: there’s nothing to worry about anyway. How did I come to this conclusion? All you have to do is look at the past. Good always wins. Evil may percolate from time to time and have its day in the sun, but sooner or later, the good guys prevail.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Nazi German seemed pretty tough and so did the Soviet Union. And where are they now? In history books.

It seems as though the universe allows evil to dominate from time to time to give the virtuous an opportunity to show virtue. And when the time is right, they’ll step up to the plate. So get in the batter’s box and wait for your pitch.

Even with the hellish, Twilight Zone styled news I see flash on my phone everyday, I still stand by my words above.

But with that, I also know that all empires fall.




So, we shall see, together, how our collective destiny will unfold.

And with that, my only point of writing this, as always, is to say if there was ever a time for us to evolve as a species, it’s now.

There is no other way.

There is no other.

– gb


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